
Showing posts from January, 2019

Scented Geranium Herbal Info

Scented Geranium Herbal Info Description There are literally hundreds of types of scented geraniums to choose from. The wide array of types allows you to choose plants that are tall (2-3 feet) or almost cascading in habit. Foliage size and shape also varies as will foliage color and texture. They can range from greens to variegated to steel blue in color and be coarse to smooth in texture. While scented geraniums do flower, the flowers are often secondary in importance and not all that attractive. They are mainly grown for their attractive and highly scented foliage. Fragrances can run from apple to mint to lemon to coconut to rose. Because they will not overwinter outdoors in cold climates they are best grown as container plants so they can be moved indoors for the winter. Culture Scented geraniums are most often grown from tip cuttings that root easily. They prefer a full sun location. They can be grown in garden beds and then dug up and moved indoors for the winter but ar

Winter Savory Herbal Info

Winter Savory Herbal Info Description Winter savory grows to about two feet tall and has shiny, dark green foliage. It is much stiffer in form and texture than summer savory and its flavor is much more pungent. It can be semi-evergreen in some zones. Culture Winter savory prefers a full sun location. It must have a well-drained soil. If planted in a poorly drained area it is likely to rot over the winter. It can be grown from seed or cuttings. As winter savory gets older, it becomes woody. Keep the woody stems pruned out to encourage vigorous growth of young stems. Harvest Young shoots and leaves can be harvested throughout the growing season. Dry and store leaves in closed containers. Use Used with poultry and meat dishes. Especially good with bean dishes.